This is a fan game I hastily put together after being deeply moved by the stories of Uma Musume and Mejiro Palmer(メジロパーマー). If you happen to come across this page, please remember Palmer chan. If you have the time, also consider playing Uma Musume; it's the best game. And if you could create a fanfic for Mejiro Palmer, I would be very grateful. We need more Mejiro Palmer content. 


This game is under CC0 license. It is completely open, and you are free to use it however you want. But, please keep in mind that this game is a derivative work of Uma Musume. 

Gameplay Instructions: : When the character overlaps with colored object, click the space or mouse - it will increase the speed. When the speed reaches a certain level, something special will appear.

The HUD in the top-left corner consists of score, remaining time, and speed in order. Um... aiming for a high score? Perhaps around 5000 points is the limit.

Anyway, good luck and have a nice day!  :D

Best regards, @baeknothing